Its Election Time!!!
Off late I have been in a little low sprit. Dejected as you can call it
Lots of new attempts/ventures have failed and I really feel bad that I am a little off-age. I am not sure if anyone can understand it but I am sure most of them about my age would understand. Be it new startups that friends or relatives have suggested or higher studies. Anything
So to burke what is happening in my life and not to bore the reader (I know there are hardly any). I am going to blog about something different. It’s going to be about politics something I have never understood. Not that I was ever interested in understanding.
Readers: WORD OF CAUTION. I am tempted to write this blog (those few who might have accidently stumbled in) just to fume out my feeling of gloominess and not knowing what exactly to write on. It’s strictly user’s discretion to read any further.
Once in an Interview Cho-Ramaswamy, (it my opinion the only sane Politician who is aware of what he talks) said. “People don’t have much of a choice. It given an option to choose among A Pick-pocket, A Thief and A terrorist, people would obviously choose the Pick-pocket.”
Yes!!! That’s true. According to me, there is never a solution to it. With all the power and might the pick-pocket turns into a Terrorist. And the first thing he does as soon as he comes to power is jail the Terrorist and the thief. Choice is just an illusion.
With Elections around the corner, politicians don’t know what exactly they are doing. All they know is to do something or anything to get into power. Never in history has congress and CPI been together until last Election to show majority. Gone are those days where party ideologies are priorities. At the helm of the affairs, all MP’s are in their drawing boards busy doing their math.
In a recent chat with a friend of mine, said though he supports BJP ideologies he would abstain from voting to BJP as the Local BJP MP was/is a Dada of his constituency. I first looked at him in dismay, as in not understanding what’s wrong with people? Should he not be supporting the ideologies of the party than the party men? But I could not argue with him, coz he made sense. He didn’t want to choose a terrorist (Cho’s words). May be I wouldn’t want to choose a Terrorist or a thief myself.
BTW do checkout CHO’s Political views and interviews. You can find a plenty of them on YouTube. I am attaching one of my favorites.