Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Common Mistake...

Most of us, even Software Engineers do not keep their Personal Computers and Laptops Organized.

A perfect example is the pathetic condition of their desktops. I often see people having a clustered and unorganized desktop. Most don’t realize that more the desktop Icons lesser is the performance. Word Docs, Excel sheets, Images and other installables, are few items that can be seen more often in these clumsy desktop. These docs can be segregated and organized in their own personal folders in side the Hard disk or the “My Documents” folder. For Novice and amateurs “My documents” are very useful.

Installing unwanted and unknown applications lead to leakage of important data and important information. They degrade the system performance very badly. Most prominent are the software downloaded from the P2Ps. Most of the exes are Virus and Trojans. But most of the time we might be able to diagnose it unless it is installed. For example, I badly needed a “Turbo C” compiler recently. I wasn’t able to get it from the internet so I had to download it from “Limewire” P2P software. After I downloaded it, I ended up getting one of the worst Viruses I have seen. It got in all the “Ad wares” possible and my CPU was always full. At last I had to format it.

So please be aware of any kind of exe you download and install.

Most of us don’t really have Anti-Virus software to handle this. If at all we have one, we fail to upgrade the latest virus definitions.

I recently found this web site that does Virus Scanning online. It’s a very time consuming but a very effecting process. This comes for free and is very reliable.

Do check it out.

If at all you don’t remember the URL. Goggle “Micro Trend”. And the first site you get it this.

Hope it is useful to you.


Blogger Dainty Damsel said...

Thanks for reminding. Will have to organize my data, first thing tomorrow morning.

Monday, May 02, 2011 1:12:00 AM


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